chargebee / chargebee-checkout-samples

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how to apply media query styling to input components

shierro opened this issue · comments


hi! i've checked the documentation regarding the question, but i was unable to find any clue how to achieve this one. I basically want to apply some styles on the input element or .CardInput class, inside the iframe.

My end goal is to make the font smaller on mobile, and bigger on desktop. Is this possible w/ the react implementation?

Hi Shierro,

It is possible to dynamically change the font-size on the react implementation. Although, media queries are not supported.

Refer to this example: Here you can modify the fontSize in the state, to achieve corresponding result. For a full list of supported styles refer here.

Let me know if this solves your query.

Thanks - Dinesh


Support for media queries is already in our backlog. But there is no fixed ETA as of now. :)

Closing this issue. Please raise a new issue if there are any problems.