chargebee / chargebee-checkout-samples

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"Invalid card number" error testing the 3ds_full_checkout_examples

marinaserranomontes opened this issue · comments


I am testing your branch 3ds_full_checkout_examples.
I am able to generate the payment_intent using my server:

But, when I call to the "authorizeWith3ds" function, I am getting the following error "Invalid card number". I am using the testing cards here:

Please, could you indicate to me what testing card number I need to use to check the authorizeWith3ds flow?


Hi Marina,

Currently Chargebee's test gateway does not support 3DS. Please try with Stripe/Braintree's sandbox account and their corresponding 3DS test cards.


Thanks Dinesh!!

I am testing your sample with the stripe connected account and the following cards, but I am getting an "invalid token id" error. ......"active_payment_attempt":{"id":"AzqgpzRmcyMgT3Qn","status":"refused","error_text":"Invalid token id: tok_16CHQcRmcyMXN2s2; request-id: req_MYPi1mrDUZXYgz","created_at":1578156624,"modified_at":1578156624,"object":"payment_attempt"}}}...

Please, do you know how I can test your sample? Thanks a lot!

Hey, Smart Routing rules needs to be set correctly. Please reach out to for further assistance.


Thanks, @cb-dinesh. It worked!!!!

@cb-dinesh Is this still the case? Chargebee Test Gateway says that 3ds is enabled, but we are constantly getting There is no payment method corresponding to the specified payment method token errors.