characterdog / share-my-number

Share your contact information with ease

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Tap to add your contact information" from the work profile doesn't take scroll you to the work section of "edit contact information"

axelsimon opened this issue · comments

Running on Android 5.1

The title says it all: I only wanted to set up a work profile, so I went to the "work" tab/section, then clicked to add info. It landed me on a screen with no info that would let me realise I was editing the Private profile, until I reached the bottom of the fields and saw that the "work" sectioon of "edit contact information" was underneath what I had been editing. I cut/pasted every field back from the Private section, but it was a bit annoying :)

I use preference catergories to seperate the profiles, so there should be a small "Private" above the private fields. I agree, that scrolling to "work" is a good feature.