chan-sccp / sccp_manager

SCCP Manager

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7937 phones do not go into sleep mode

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The 7937 phone does not go into sleep mode and the screen is lit for 24 hours. How to fix it? Is there a solution? Need help

Please attach the console logs from the 7937 during reload

Maybe some of the display related "backlight" entries are missing from the cnf.xml template files.

  • displayRefreshRate
    The refresh rate of the display to prevent flicker caused by some lighting environments.

    0 Normal 1 Flicker Correction


  • daysDisplayNotActive
    Comma separated list of days that the phone's display is not active and will be automatically turned off after the time specified by has elapsed.

    1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday


  • displayOnTime
    Time in HH:MM format to automatically turn on the phone display.


  • displayOnDuration
    Time duration in HH:MM format to automatically turn off the phone display after it was turned on.


  • displayIdleTimeout
    Timeout in HH:MM format to automatically turn off phone display if outside the time specified by , and .


  • displayOnWhenIncomingCall
    Automatically turn on display when there is an incoming call and outside the time specified by , and .

    0 Disabled 1 Enabled


  • daysBacklightNotActive
    Comma separated list of days that the phone's backlight is not active and will be automatically turned off after the time specified by has elapsed. See for examples.


  • backlightOnTime
    Time in HH:MM format to automatically turn on the phone backlight.


  • backlightOnDuration
    Time duration in HH:MM format to automatically turn off the phone backlight after it was turned on.


  • backlightOnIdleTimeout
    Timeout in HH:MM format to automatically turn off phone backlight if outside the time specified by , and .


  • backlightOnWhenIncomingCall
    Automatically turn on backlight when there is an incoming call and outside the time specified by , and . See for examples.


there are no line data in the template file SEP0000000000.cnf.xml_7937_template, so there are none in the file SEP.cnf.xml. perhaps that's why the phone does not go into sleep mode. I'll check it out, try to add lines. Most likely this will solve the problem.

Note: 7937 running in SCCP mode, will not have any line information. Line Information is only for Cisco phones running in SIP mode.

Adding the display and backlight entries mentioned above to the vendorConfig section ought to work. We don't own each and every type of phone, so we cannot verify support on all models of phones, we need community support and help with these kinds of things. Please let us know if it does work, so we can update the default 7937 templates accordingly. Thanks for testing/checking.

how does sip relate here? I'm only talking about idle display time, which is what this theme is about. I will check everything and write about the results.

it didn't work(

The vendorConfig part of the cnf.xml is mostly the same between the SIP and SCCP implementation. There are some differences, which only experimentation will be able to proof. Can you show us the cnf.xml you created for the 7937 phone. Can you also show the device console(s) log from that phone so we can see what it doesn't like about the new cnf.xml.

fixed, thanks

So what was the solution - can you share the solution or the SEP to help others?