Champii / elvish-base

Personal elvish files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Personal elvish files


I don't use elvish anymore, and won't fix this lib for 0.17.0+. I will still accept proper PRs if you feel like it.


You just have to put file in ~/.elvish/rc.elv and -source ~/.elvish/rc.elv

It will download every dependencies, no need to install them yourself

use epm

epm:install                              \
  &silent-if-installed=$true             \         \ \

elvPath = $E:HOME"/.elvish"
ownPath = $elvPath"/lib/"


-source $ownPath"/fs.elv"
-source $ownPath"/utils.elv"
-source $ownPath"/git.elv"


-exports- = (alias:alias:export)


Signature type nomenclature follows the schema:

func_name[arg1 arg2 optionalArg?] => return_type

Optional args are achieved using optional_in~. cf map or filter implementation.

If an optional arg is not given, it will take (all)


  • exists[path] => bool

    This method checks safely if the file exists

    ~> exists /tmp/foo
    ▶ $true
  • size[path] => number

    Fail if the path does not exists

    Returns the size in bytes

    ~> size /tmp/foo
    ▶ 1024
  • pretty_size[path] => number

    Same as size

    Returns the approximative size in corresponding bytes order

    ~> size /tmp/foo
    ▶ 733Mo
  • zero[path] => bool

    Fail if the path does not exists

    Returns true if the size is 0

    ~> zero /tmp/foo
    ▶ $false
  • zero_or_null[path] => bool

    Does not fail

    Returns true if the file doesn't exists or if the size is 0

    ~> zero_or_null /i_dont_exist
    ▶ $true
  • list_empty[] => arr

    Returns all files in current directory that are empty

    ~> list_empty
    ▶ [foo bar]
  • list_gt[number] => arr

    Returns all files in current directory that are greater than given size in bytes

    ~> list_gt (mega 10)
    ▶ [foo bar]
  • kilo[number] => number

    Returns the number of kilo in bytes

    ~> kilo 10
    ▶ 102400
  • mega[number] => number

    Returns the number of mega in bytes

    ~> mega 10
    ▶ 1.048576e+07
  • giga[number] => number

    Returns the number of giga in bytes

    ~> giga 10
    ▶ 1.073741824e+10


  • branch[] => string

    Returns the current branch, or fails if not a git repo

    ~> branch
    ▶ master
  • commit_id[] => string

    Returns the last commit id from the current branch, or fails if not a git repo

    ~> commit_id
    ▶ 3220a9726f4ccf04af79a7cf20d17ccce017fc51
  • is_dirty[] => bool

    Returns $true whenever there is some uncommited change

    ~> is_dirty
    ▶ $true


  • null_out[func] => func

    Returns a function with stdout and stderr discarded

    ~> null_out { cat /tmp/foo }
    ~> new_cat = { null_out { cat } }
    ~> $new_cat /tmp/foo
  • has_failed[func] => bool

    Return true if the function has failed

    ~> has_failed { stat /tmp/foo }
    ▶ $true
  • json[path] => map

    Return the parsed json map

    ~> put (json somefile.json)[somekey]
    ▶ someValue
  • filter[func arr?] => arr

    Filter the array with the predicate

    If the last argument arr is not set, will take input from value channel

    ~> filter $exists~ [/tmp/foo /tmp/bar]
    ▶ [/tmp/foo]
  • map[func arr?] => arr

    Map the predicate over the array

    If the last argument arr is not set, will take input from value channel

    ~> map $exists~ [/tmp/foo /tmp/bar]
    ▶ [$true $false]
  • floor[number|string] => number

    Floor the number

    ~> floor (/ 100 3)
    ▶ 33
  • optional_in[arr] => arr

    Used to take the input of (all) if the last parameter is not set

    fn zipMap [f @rest]{
      arr = (optional_in $rest)
      res = (map [x]{
        @in = ($f $x)
        put [$x $@in]
      } $arr)
      put $res
  • zipMap[func arr?] => arr

    Takes an array (1 dimension) and produces an array of array (2 dimensions)

    If the last argument arr is not set, will take input from value channel

    For each item, the callback can return as many elements as wanted, that will be added with the original element into an array.

    ~> put [1 10 100] | zipMap [x]{ put (+ $x 1) (+ $x 2)}
    ▶ [[1 2 3] [10 11 12] [100 101 102]]
    ~> list_gt (mega 100) | zipMap $pretty_size~ | table_print
    file1.ext        2Go
    file13334.ext    133Mo
    file23.ext       101Mo
    file12332223.ext 633Mo
  • table_print[arr?] => void

    Pretty print a 2D array

    If the last argument arr is not set, will take input from value channel


Personal elvish files