chakravala / Reduce.jl

Symbolic parser for Julia language term rewriting using REDUCE algebra

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Rational "//" used instead of "/"

chriselrod opened this issue · comments

Manipulating Julia expressions seems like an awesome and convenient tool!
However, using "//" poses a problem when trying to evaluate expressions, eg:

julia> using Reduce
Reduce (Free PSL version, revision 4218), 22-Sep-2017 ...

julia> rcall(:(int( x^3 * exp(-x^2), x)))
:(-((x ^ 2 + 1)) // (2 * e ^ (x ^ 2)))

Rational division is that it is invalid for Floats, making the above expressions invalid. I can try to work around this through writing code such as:

julia> @generated function intexp(x, ::Val{N}) where N
                  f = rcall(:(int( x^$N * exp(-x^2), x)))
                  f.args[1] = :/
julia> @generated function intoutexp(::Val{N}, ::Type{T} = Float64) where {N,T}
                  f = rcall(:(int( x^$N * exp(-x^2), x, -Inf, Inf)))
                  if isa(f, Expr) && f.args[1] == ://
                      f.args[1] = :/

To get things to work as intended (at least in the use cases I've tried).

Simply searching the repository for // didn't return any hits, and I'm not familiar with Reduce so I couldn't quickly see how to make the change myself.

Hi, thanks for your interest. It is simple to work around this with the Reduce.Rational(::Bool) toggle:

julia> R"x/2" |> parse
:(x // 2)

julia> Reduce.Rational(false)

julia> R"x/2" |> parse
:(x / 2)

Let me know if that works out for you.

The package is still under development, but the docs do mention Reduce.Rational