chakravala / Grassmann.jl

⟨Grassmann-Clifford-Hodge⟩ multilinear differential geometric algebra

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Method error when trying the null-basis conformal split example

karlwessel opened this issue · comments

I am testing Grassmann.jl with conformal projective geometry, but the geometric product seems to be broken for those spaces.

Easiest way to reproduce is with your example for the null-basis conformal split in That gives me:

julia> using Grassmann; @basis S"∞∅++"
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file /home/karl/.julia/compiled/v1.1/Grassmann/i5fGo.ji for Grassmann [4df31cd9-4c27-5bea-88d0-e6a7146666d8]
(⟨∞∅++⟩, v, v∞, v∅, v₁, v₂, v∞∅, v∞₁, v∞₂, v∅₁, v∅₂, v₁₂, v∞∅₁, v∞∅₂, v∞₁₂, v∅₁₂, v∞∅₁₂)

julia> v∞^2, v∅^2, v1^2, v2^2
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching conformal(::Signature{4,3,0x0000000000000002,0}, ::UInt64, ::UInt64)
Closest candidates are:
  conformal(::Any, ::Any, ::W<:(Signature{n,m,s,Diff} where Diff)) where {n, m, s, W<:(Signature{n,m,s,Diff} where Diff)} at .julia/packages/Grassmann/wWv7E/src/parity.jl:164
  conformal(::Any, ::Any, ::W<:(DiagonalForm{n,m,s,Diff} where Diff)) where {n, m, s, W<:(DiagonalForm{n,m,s,Diff} where Diff)} at .julia/packages/Grassmann/wWv7E/src/parity.jl:164
 [1] *(::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000004}, ::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000004}) at .julia/packages/Grassmann/wWv7E/src/algebra.jl:148
 [2] ^(::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000004}, ::Int64) at .julia/packages/Grassmann/wWv7E/src/algebra.jl:919
 [3] macro expansion at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] literal_pow(::typeof(^), ::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000004}, ::Val{2}) at ./none:0
 [5] top-level scope at none:0

It worked in 0.1.4, but doesn't in 0.1.5

Ooops, that's because I changed the order of the input arguments when I created the cache.

Since you helped find so many bugs already, I decided to tag release v0.1.6 on this commit.

That fixed one problem, but there still seems to be another since the whole example doesn't run yet:

using Grassmann; @basis S"∞∅++"
(⟨∞∅++⟩, v, v∞, v∅, v₁, v₂, v∞∅, v∞₁, v∞₂, v∅₁, v∅₂, v₁₂, v∞∅₁, v∞∅₂, v∞₁₂, v∅₁₂, v∞∅₁₂)

julia> v∞^2, v∅^2, v1^2, v2^2
(0v, 0v, v, v)

julia> v∞ ⋅ v∅

julia> v∞∅^2

julia> v∞∅ * v∞, v∞∅ * v∅
(-1v∞, v∅)

julia> v∞ * v∅, v∅ * v∞
ERROR: UndefVarError: hio not defined
 [1] *(::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000001}, ::Basis{⟨∞∅++⟩,1,0x0000000000000002}) at .julia/packages/Grassmann/uivDq/src/algebra.jl:151
 [2] top-level scope at none:0

And similar, but in another line:

julia> a=v∞ + v∅ + v1
1v∞ + 1v∅ + 1v₁ + 0v₂

julia> a*a
ERROR: UndefVarError: hio not defined
 [1] geomaddmulti! at .julia/packages/Grassmann/uivDq/src/algebra.jl:61 [inlined]
 [2] *(::MBlade{Int64,⟨∞∅++⟩,1,4}, ::MBlade{Int64,⟨∞∅++⟩,1,4}) at .julia/packages/Grassmann/uivDq/src/algebra.jl:672
 [3] top-level scope at none:0

That problem is now also resolved.