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[Radio Group] Issue

s-hitsan opened this issue · comments


How to set it to readOnly? There is no way to do it...

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It doesn't have such property. No Group, no Item. Also such problem with checked property. We have only defaultChecked property

Ark UI Version



  • React
  • Solid
  • Vue


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It seems there's been some confusion regarding the usage of readOnly attributes on radios or checkboxes. According to the W3C specifications and ARIA practices, readOnly is not a valid attribute for radio buttons or checkboxes. These input types are designed for interaction, and their state (selected or not) is inherently modifiable by the user. If you aim to prevent modification, consider using the disabled attribute instead. However, note that disabled inputs are not submitted with the form and are not focusable.

For managing the checked state without user modification, instead of readOnly, you might rely on controlling the component's state programmatically, ensuring it doesn't change in response to user interactions.