cgrossde / Pullover

The unofficial multi-platform Pushover desktop client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No confirmation on high prio messages

IvorNL opened this issue · comments


I think this is a new function from pushover..
Highest prio messages need to be confirmed, if not they'll keep sending the message.

From their site:
For emergency-priority messages, a repeat notification will be sent at this interval until it expires or is acknowledged.

For emergency-priority messages, repeating will stop after this amount of time if the message is not acknowleged.

Would be nice to see this implemented!


I don't plan to implement this at the moment. I'm open for PRs :)

it is rather useless to me without it!

Same here, notifications keep coming up, no way to aknowlege them at highest level, Software is not working anymore.