CFYL / CParts

A mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds a few parts inspired by China's space exploration.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CParts: CFYL's Chinese style parts pack

CParts introduces new textures, new parts, and new ways of going to space!
CParts currently contains: 
	甲. 1.25m (Size1) fuel tanks in four lengths, all of which have four variants to choose from!
	乙. Three liquid fuel engines! YF-1 and YF-3 are loosely based on real-life CZ-1, while vernier engines are created from scratch.
	丙. A solid rocket booster: cheapstake yet useful!
	丁. A probe core that represents DFH-1 in real life!
	戊. Truss stack decoupler and engine plate!
	己. A prebuilt rocket that represents DFH-1 and CZ-1!

CParts will contain (in future updates):
	庚. MOAR Chinese style fuel tanks!
	辛. Blue/White Tailfins! (They are sometimes called the soul of Chinese rockets here in China cuz almost every Chinese rocket have them for stability)

Manual:	1. Make sure you have Module manager and Waterfall installed. They are hard dependencies of CParts.
	2. Extract CParts_v1.1.0 / GameData / CParts to your game Kerbal Space Program / GameData / CParts.
	3. (Optioanlly) go to and download @CFYL's DFH-1 and CZ-1.

CKAN:	Then why are you looking at this? CKAN should have done it for you. If there are problems, contact me on the KSP forums or github.

Module Manager and Waterfall are required.
Persistent Rotation is recommended.
Stock Waterfall Effects and SRB Waterfall Effects are suggested.

Templates are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects but renamed.
EngineFX are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects with minor edits.
English and Chinese localization are created by @CFYL.
Spanish localization is created by @AtomichTech (0001-0017) and machine translation (0018-0046); see localization file for details.

Module manager source is under a "CC share-alike license" under the term specified by ialdabaoth here. He is the original creator of Module Manager. (here =
Author of the latest ModuleManager thread is @sarbian on the KSP forums.
Link to ModuleManager:

Waterfall is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4 license.
Author of Waterfall is @Nertea on the KSP forums.
Link to Waterfall:

StockWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Author of StockWaterfallEffects is @Knight of St John on the KSP forums. 
Link to StockWaterfallEffects:

SRBWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Author of SRBWaterfallEffects is @Adiri on the KSP forums.
Link to SRBWaterfallEffects:

CParts is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Author of CParts is @CFYL on the KSP forums.
Link to CParts:


A mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds a few parts inspired by China's space exploration.
