cfluegel / GPSReader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python Class for communicating with the an GPS Receiver

This python class provides the options to communicate with an GPS Receiver. The access to the different GPS 
sentences is done through a set of classes. One class for each NMEA sentence (e.g. NMEA_GGA, NMEA_GLL) but 
this will be explained in detail below. 

The NMEA sentences are implemented and tested based on the IEC 61162-3 standard. Some of the implemented 
NMEA sentences have been changed in the latest version of the IEC61162 standard, thus there may be 
problems using this class with newer GPS Receivers if there is no option to change the standard. 

I created this Python Class because of the following reasons: 

* As a training ground for learning Python *
* I needed a some sort of access to a USB GPS receiver in my car *

Overview over the classes 
GPSReader - (Main Class) 
This class provides the general interface to the GPS receiver and the different NMEA sentences. I handles 
the access to the serial interface and filters the NMEA sentences from the stream of data and provides the 
access to the information of the supported NMEA sentences. 

Currently the following NMEA sentences are supported: 


As long as the communication is established and the GPS receiver has a valid GPS fix, one is able to get 
the information from the GPSReceiver instance. 

This class gives access to all interesting information of the GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data - sentence. 
The following functions are available: 

* getPosition()

  - returns: the current position as an instance of the class GPSPosition 

* getAntennaHeight()

  - returns: the antenna height of the GPS antenna

* getTime()

  - returns: the time of the last position fix

GLL stands for Geographic position, latitude / longitude. This NMEA sentence containss only the position and the 
time when the position has been acquired by the GPS Receiver. The following methods are available:

* getTime()

  - returns: the time of last position fix. 

* getPosition()

  - returns:  the current position as an instance of the class GPSPosition

RMC - the recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data - contains the current position, the speed, the course, 
the time and the date of the last position fix. Nowadays even the cheaper GPS receiver provide the other NMEA 
sentences but in the earlier days they provided only the RMC sentence. 

In the shipping industry the RMC is still used for some applications. The RMC contains the information for 
the Magnetic Variation, thus sometimes the GPS receiver is configured to send the RMC message to a Gyro compass. 

* getPosition()

  - returns:  the current position as an instance of the class GPSPosition

* getTime()

  - returns: the time of the last position fix. 

* getTimeDate()

  - returns: the time and date of the last position fix 

* getCourse()

  - returns: the current TRUE course

* getSpeed() 

  - returns: the current Speed in kmh.

The VTG sentence contains the information about the course and speed of an GPS receiver. (Course over ground and 
Speed over Ground). The following methods are available, if the GPS acquired a valid position fix.

* getCourse()

  - returns: the current TRUE course

* getSpeed() 

  - parameters: 
    + unit: predefined with kmh 

  - returns: the current Speed in kmh. If the parameter unit is set to any other string than kmh, the speed will be 
    in knots 

**this class is currently under construction and may change in the future**

* getLocalDatumCode()

  - returns: 

* getAltitudeOffset()

  - returns: 


* getSatellitesInView()

  - returns: a dictionary with all satellites that are currently seen and used by the GPS Receiver. Each entry 
    of an satellite contains the elevation, the azimuth and the Signal-to-Noise reading. 


* getSatellitesUsedForFix()

  - returns: a list with all PNR numbers of the used satellites for the position fix.  

* getPDOP()

  - returns: the PDOP value for the current position fix 

* getHDOP()

  - returns: the HDOP value for the current position fix 

* getVDOP() 

  - returns: the VDOP value for the current position fix 

Helping function -

This class represent a GPS position. It provides some methods for manipulation and verification of the position. e.g. 
one can check what distance is between Point A and Point B. 

* calculateBearing()

  - parameters: 
    + destination: destination is an instance of GPSPosition

  - returns: the bearing that is necessary to reach the destination. 

* calculateDistance()

  - parameters: 

    + destination: destination is an instance of GPSPosition

  - return: the distance between the GPSPosition and the destination in meters

* projectGPSPosition() (currently not ready) 

  - parameters: 

    + distance: the distance that the new waypoint should be projected to in meters

    + direction: the direction where the new waypoint will be put

  - return: a new instance of the GPSPosition class with the projected position. 

General helping functions
* CreateNMEAChkSum()

  - parameters: 
    + sentence: NMEA sentence. (start with $ / start with $ and ends with * / start with $ and ends with NMEA checksum) 

  - returns: This function creates a NMEA XOR Checksum for a NMEA sentence. 

* VerifyNMEChkSum()
  - parameters:

    + sentence: NMEA sentence as string

  - returns: True if the checksum is valid / False if the checksum is NOT correct

* convertKMHToKnots()
  - parameters

    + kmh: any speed that is not 0.0 KM/H  

  - returns: the converted speed in Knots

* convertKnotsToKMH()

  - parameters:

    + knots: any speed that is not 0.0 knots 

  - returns: the converted speed in KM/H

* parseLatitude()

  - parameters:
    + lat: the Latitude in dd.ddddd 

    + ns: either N or S  

  - returns: the latitude between -90 and +90 degrees

* parseLongitude()

  - parameters:
    + lon: longitude in decimal degrees

    + ew: either E or W 

  - returns: the longitude in between -180 and +180 

* estimateDirection()

  - parameters: 
    + CurrentCourse: the current course. e.g. read out from the VTG NMEA sentence

    + DestCourse: the bearing 

  - returns: a positive or negative value of the change of course in order to meet the new bearing


License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%