cfiander / lemonAid-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LemonAid Server

Set up

Complete the following steps to start a new project (NEW-PROJECT-NAME):

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone BOILERPLATE-URL NEW-PROJECTS-NAME

  2. cd into the cloned repository

  3. Make a fresh start of the git history for this project with rm -rf .git && git init

  4. Install the node dependencies npm install

  5. Move the example Environment file to .env that will be ignored by git and read by the express server mv example.env .env

  6. Edit the contents of the package.json to use NEW-PROJECT-NAME instead of "name": "lemonaid-server",

  7. Create a new database called "lemonstand" and its corresponding undo

  8. Create a table for users CREATE TABLE lemonstand_users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, full_name TEXT NOT NULL, password TEXT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), date_modified TIMESTAMP );

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lemonstand_users;

  1. Create a table for saved_recipes (recipes which have been saved by users) and its corresponding undo create table saved_recipes ( recipe_id integer primary key not null, recipe_name TEXT NOT NULL );

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lemonstand_saved_recipes;

  1. Create a table for user_recipes (saved recipes for an individual users and its corresponding undo create table user_recipes ( id integer not null references lemonstand_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT NULL, recipe_id integer not null references saved_recipes(recipe_id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT NULL );

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_recipes;

Server Address

React Front End


POST /api/recipes

  1. Doesn't require Authentication
  2. Feeds an external API an ingredients list from the req.body and returns up to 50 results from external API

POST /api/recipes/url

  1. Doesn't require Authentication
  2. Feeds a given recipe ID specific to each recipe in the external API and returns a specific URL for a given recipe which is embedded into the recipe on the results page

POST /api/auth/login

  1. Handles login requests for registered users.

POST /api/users

  1. Handles registration for new uers.

Built With

Express Node Bcrypt JsonWebToken Unirest


Start the application npm start

Start nodemon for the application npm run dev

Run the tests npm test


Type heroku create into the command line and then 'npm run deploy'. A database in Heroku is also neccessary.



Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:TSQL 3.3%