cezheng / Fuzi

A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

an additional space at the end when parse plain text by HTMLDocument

world000 opened this issue · comments


  • Expected behaviour:
    plain text: hello
    parsed html: <p>hello</p>

  • Actual behaviour:
    plain text: hello
    parsed html: <p>hello </p>


  • Package Manager:

    • Carthage, version:
    • CocoaPods, version: 1.9.1
    • Manually
  • Fuzi version: 3.1.2

  • Xcode version: 11.4.1

How to reproduce:

HTMLDocument(string: "hello", encoding: .utf8)