cetz-package / cetz

CeTZ: ein Typst Zeichenpaket - A library for drawing stuff with Typst.

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0.3.1 fill-rule broke draw.line

Illicitline45 opened this issue · comments

Title: when drawing a line ( cetz.draw.line((0, 0), (0, 2)) for instance) it returns the error: " dictionary does not contain key "fill-rule" ".

(cetz.draw.line was of course called inside cetz.canvas({}) context, with no parameters given to canvas aside for the code block {} and its contents).

Edit: nvm it was typst not cetz

What was the problem? How can Typst throw this error in a cetz context?

What was the problem? How can Typst throw this error in a cetz context?

Your're right, it wasn't a cetz context.
Typst is a little freaky (or maybe it's just me that is stupid) when it comes to contexts and imports. It used to be that I had a template with the func cetz.canvas imported and I could use it in a document just with #canvas where I had imported the custom template, but after I updated to typst 0.12 and cetz 0.3.1 it didn't work anymore, but just doing #cetz.canvas works.
I suspect it has something to do with what they did to contexts in the update, though when I first read the error message it threw I immediatly thought of the 0.3.1 patch notes and thought it was a cetz problem, sorry.