cesardcorreia / usefulutilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JSS/CSS Libraries/Tools/Misc

Stuff that seem useful but I will forget that they exist when I need them

Javascript Libraries

notie - Funny retro top horizontal alerts

animatedModal.js - Fullscreen clean and slick modals

jQueryMy - Realtime updating JS with inputs

Slinky - Freakin nice menu

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ is.js πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ - Super easy "shortcuts" like validate email or url with regexp, check if browser is edge or device is mobile, string formatting and a lot more

Responsive Social Icons - Super nice social network sharing buttons which are very pretty and responsive

YouDontNeedjQuery - Vanilla Javascript jQuery equivalents

Editorjs - Awesome block style editor

InputMask - Easy to use with lots of possibilities input mask

Bootbox.js - Awesome dialog boxes

vue-imask - awesome vuejs input mask

PDFKIT - PDF maker in JS

πŸ‘ Helpful Tutorials

jQuery Patterns - Usefull tutorial to build a plugin with the basic essencials

30 Seconds of code - Code snippets of JS basic functions like getting the last key of an array

πŸ‘‰ More lists

Frontend-stuff A list with a lot more useful libraries

CSS Goodies

Get Skeleton - Super nice clean ui

Milligram - Another super clean UI

CSS HAMBURGER - Simple 'Burger

Custombox - Cool dialog boxes

Fancybox - omg so simple yet so cool

Laravel Utilities

Eloquent Tips and Tricks - Has nice useful tricks for simple tasks in eloquent

Eloquent Tips and Tricks - More nice and useful tricks

Organize Laravel Routes - Organize in a better structure the Laravel routes

Laravel Artisan View - Create Laravel Views with PHP ARTISAN


Ably - Like Pusher but with decent prices

Scaledrone - Even cheaper prices but less free advantages

Awesome TailwindCSS - Curated list of usefull links of tailwindcss
