ceryle / RadioRealButton

A custom radio button for Android API 12+

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vector Images

KennyGoers opened this issue · comments

When trying to get a full height permanent selection using app:rrbg_selectorFullSize="true" text is visible but the images aren't shown. Is there a different way to not have the underline, but have the background change on the selected item?

Followup, seems to be related to the project theme, as using the plain "Material" theme it works as expected. What color is used for the full size option for inverting the icon?

Guess I should be more slow to place issues! The problem is with using Vector images. I was running on a v19 emulator. I suggest using AppCompatResources.getDrawable(), its in the newer API compat libraries or AppCompatImageView. I would do a pull request, but having issues running/building the sample app, some weird error about duplicate BuildConfigs.

BTW, very cool component when you need it!

Hi Kenny,
I faced with the same error when I was using Api19 emulator. I changed project's package name and it now runs without any error. To solve vector problem, I followed your advice. I changed ImageView to AppCompatImageView which gets resId by using AppCompatResources.getDrawable() method. When I run the project on Api19 emulator and on a Api21 device, I didn't see any vector image problem. I believe it works now.