ceryle / RadioRealButton

A custom radio button for Android API 12+

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

setPosition() on RadioRealGroup bug on v2.0.2

viniciusalmada opened this issue · comments

On your page you must update the compile line to
compile 'com.github.ceryle:RadioRealButton:v2.0.4'

When I'm using the v2.0.2 the setPosition() is working but the selector is not working

I've already updated dependency section. Yes, there was a bug in that version, and I've fixed that. Do you still have it in version 2.0.4?

Yes, I do. When I initialize my fragment, the setPosition() work, but when I call this method on a Listening, this not work

I tested setPostion method, it seems working. Can you provide more information or share your code? Also, there is an example in sample project, I have used it to test setPosition method, it works for all button groups.