certtools / intelmq

IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams for collecting and processing security feeds using a message queuing protocol.

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Upgrades error

gethvi opened this issue · comments

This upgrade function can fail:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/intelmq/bin/intelmqctl.py", line 1172, in upgrade_conf
    retval, runtime, harmonization = function(runtime, harmonization, dry_run,
  File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/intelmq/lib/upgrades.py", line 133, in v110_shadowserver_feednames
    if bot["parameters"]["feedname"] in mapping:
KeyError: 'feedname'

I wonder how you came to this situation. In version 1.1.0 (the version this upgrade function is for), the shadowserver parser required the parameter feedname. So it looks more like your state.json got reset or something similar.

Yes you are correct. This is because we run IntelMQ in Docker which means fresh install every time. No state file is preserved.

This means that for every new installation (without state file) out there using newer shadowserver parser without feedname this exception can happen (unless they upgrade config before adding the parser). That is a bug.

Running old upgrades on newer versions should not cause an exception.

The docker image misses the prepared state file.

This is the file used for the packages: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:sebix:intelmq/intelmq/state.json?expand=1

Nice, thanks! This is what I was about to suggest: to skip old versions upgrades (but without a state file - by checking current version and the version for which each upgrade function is intended for).

We use custom Docker image anyway.

Anyway I still think this is a bug. It's nice to have that state file for packages, but other installation methods don't have this.

Anyway I still think this is a bug. It's nice to have that state file for packages, but other installation methods don't have this.

Yeah, it's an additional bug.

However, I don't expect that all upgrade functions can ever be future-proof.

I agree, they can not. What do you think about this suggestion:

Instead of running all upgrade functions (since version 1) we should only run upgrades for the current major version. So if I install version 3.x.x, we run all upgrades for major version 3, but not older.

(Perhaps with an option to run older upgrades as well, but with a warning it can fail.)

We only need to future-proof upgrade functions inside one major version. I think it's reasonable for user to expect that upgrade functions inside one major version are future proof. And it is realistic for us to keep them future proof.

On second thought the easiest way might be to keep the version in the runtime.yaml meaning "this configuration is ment for IntelMQ version x.y.z". Upgrade-config can be run against a particular config file. No state file needed.

Same problem in v310_shadowserver_feednames:

if bot["module"] == "intelmq.bots.parsers.shadowserver.parser":
if bot["parameters"]["feedname"] in legacy: