ceres-solver / ceres-solver

A large scale non-linear optimization library

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Aborted error in ceres::Solve()

GoroYeh-HRI opened this issue · comments

I got the following error when running ceres::Solve()
I've built the executables with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
However, I still couldn't tell where this error came from.
Could you guide me on how to debug this error?

*** Aborted at 1706229957 (unix time) try "date -d @1706229957" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @ 0x555997e3c900 ZZN5ceres8internal14ParallelInvokeIZNS0_15SchurEliminatorILi2ELi3ELin1EE9EliminateERKNS0_21BlockSparseMatrixDataEPKdS8_PNS0_23BlockRandomAccessMatrixEPdEUliE_EEvPNS0_11ContextImplEiiiOT_iENKUlRSF_E_clIKSI_EEDaSH
*** SIGSEGV (@0x7f026be33250) received by PID 3260797 (TID 0x7efee07fc000) from PID 1810051664; stack trace: ***
@ 0x7eff25839631 (unknown)
@ 0x7eff25975420 (unknown)
@ 0x555997e3c900 ZZN5ceres8internal14ParallelInvokeIZNS0_15SchurEliminatorILi2ELi3ELin1EE9EliminateERKNS0_21BlockSparseMatrixDataEPKdS8_PNS0_23BlockRandomAccessMatrixEPdEUliE_EEvPNS0_11ContextImplEiiiOT_iENKUlRSF_E_clIKSI_EEDaSH
@ 0x555997d4a265 ceres::internal::ThreadPool::ThreadMainLoop()
@ 0x7eff240f1df4 (unknown)
@ 0x7eff25969609 start_thread
@ 0x7eff23d9a353 clone
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

it is hard to debug ths with just ths info, is it possible to replicate this failure?
can you tell us more about your build/run environment?
@DmitriyKorchemkin any idea what maybe going on here?

Hi @sandwichmaker ,
Thank you for the reply!
Yes, the build environment is just COLMAP build environment:
colmap installation

I installed ceres-solver 2.2.0 and verified the version by running simple_bundle_adjustment test.

It aborted during line 327

When building this problem_, we have 60006 images and about 13 millions points.
We want to jointly optimize the image poses and map points using ceres::solve() with :

  1. solver_options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR
  2. solver_options.dense_linear_algebra_library_type= ceres::DenseLinearAlgebraLibraryType::CUDA;

However, we got this aborted error every time.

If we change the linear_solver_type to ceres::ITERATIVE_SCHUR or ceres::SPARSE_SCHUR it won't abort and can finish the process.

@sandwichmaker I see. Thanks for the reply.
After I changed the solver to ceres::ITERATIVE_SCHUR it won't abort anymore.

Since we want to leverage CUDA acceleration and that only supports either DENSE_SCHUR or DENSE_QR solvers,
is there any way we can do it while avoiding aborted error?
Thank you!

Currently there is no way to use CUDA for such large problems.