cerebral / repo-cooker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

--link doesn't work well on windows

Guria opened this issue · comments

Windows system tries to resolve actual js to run relatively to junction point instead of original location while trying to run cmd from linked binaries folder.

> overmind@1.0.0-alpha1 clean C:\ws\cerebral\overmind\packages\node_modules\overmind
> rimraf dist es lib coverage

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\ws\cerebral\overmind\packages\node_modules\overmind\node_modules\rimraf\bin.js'

It just junctions is not the same as symlinks

We can work with scripts through repo-cooker without linking at all. just add %monorepoRoot%/node_modules/.bin into PATH in runtime
But it wouldn't be possible to run scripts in subfolders directly.

As I remember I did a special trick in cerebral monorepo for the same problem.

First I did this trick:

then it was replaced with link-parent-bin
details here:

unfortunately, link-parent-bin accepts only one childDirectoryRoot and can't deal with list of packages