cerebral-legacy / cerebral-module-http

HTTP module for Cerebral

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readme|package.json: cerebral-url-scheme-compiler dependency

fvgoto opened this issue · comments

Upon simple usage as indicated in README, I get following error:
Error: Cannot find module 'cerebral-url-scheme-compiler/get' from '..../node_modules/cerebral-module-http/helpers'

It turns out cerebral-module-http has that url-compiler as peerDependency.

The requirement to install it is not mentioned in the README.
And strangely there is no indication about this peerDep being missing upon installation of http (running npm 2.15.1; other packages throw a warning about missing peers and npm<3 installs it automatically)

An other thing:
In comparison, the package cerebral-addons has cerebral-url-scheme-compiler (^0.4.1) as plain dependency (not peer). Would be great if cerebral-module-http and cerebral-addons would handle it the same way (one or the other)...

Am I wrong on some point?

No, you are completely right here. It is a bitch to handle dependencies that you want to ensure, but not duplicate. Also a matter of user friendliness... do not want devs to explicitly install cerebral-url-scheme-compiler.

@Guria What happens if we make url-scheme-compiler a dependency on both projects? Pointing to ^0.4.x... will it install only one?

@christianalfoni it should be only one until ranges compatible. anyway url-scheme-compiler could be safely moved to regular dependencies.

Okay, cool, lets do that here then. If you plan on more contributions @fvgoto you can just move the peerDependency to a dependency :)

Closing, since kind of solved by merged PR #10.

@christianalfoni Feel free to re-open if you want to keep a "todo" around to switch both to peer (again) when versions get in-sync and/or its required installation get mentioned in readme (or whatever...).