cereal-lab / EvoPIE

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Freeze versions in pipfile based on committed pipfile.lock

profgrumpy opened this issue · comments

We have been having A LOT of issues when setting up Dmytro for work this summer. Using the latest version of every dependency is not an option since backward compatibility is not always a priority in said libraries.
Using pipenv sync allows to reliably replicate a working environment so we are going to apply the same version numbers to the pipfile. The goal is that regenerating from scratch using only the pipfile should give us a working environment.

Example of the problems that led us to this:
since version 3.1.0 jinja2 Markup needs to be imported from MarkupSafe, see https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/changes/ for details.

@drpventura when you set up your environment, please try to set it up without the .lock file and only doing a pipenv update based on the pipfile itself. That will be an opportunity for us to test that the environment can be build from scratch.

Tested with Phil's setup, worked, closing.

Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/46303305, it appears that Pipfile.lock should exist in the repo. I will commit the changes.