ceph / ceph-container

Docker files and images to run Ceph in containers

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luarocks should be added to the docker/podman image of ceph

yuvalif opened this issue · comments

the pieces missing in the centos8 image for lua packages to work are:
luarocks, gcc, powertools (needed for lua-devel) and lua-devel

dnf -y install luarocks
dnf -y install gcc
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf -y install lua-devel

without that, in a setup with an RGW, when trying to call:

cephadm shell radosgw-admin script-package add --package=<package name>

i get:

ERROR: failed to add lua package:  <package name> .error: -10

the "gcc" and "lua-devel" packages are needed for the case that luarocks tries to build the lua packages from C code