ceph / ceph-container

Docker files and images to run Ceph in containers

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Add a debug image for every ceph version

gauravsitlani opened this issue · comments

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  • Feature Request

We found that the default ceph images in quay don't have the debuginfo packages installed for troubleshooting purposes :

It would be great to have an alternate ceph debug container image available at least for latest versions which will be useful for rook project as well.

I think it would be good to make sure we can get utility from debug containers before building and releasing them regularly.

For proof-of-concept, it's pretty simple to create ones own debug image using a basic Dockerfile. The image can always be pushed to ones own Docker Hub or Quay image repository.

FROM ceph/ceph:$VERSION

RUN yum install -y $DEBUG_PACKAGES

If we can see an example of using gdb (or other tools) with the debug packages in containers, I think it will be easier to make a decision about whether Ceph should release the images or whether the recommendation should be to do as I suggested above.

If we only expect that users/developers will want to do this extremely rarely and we anticipate they should all be able to do the above custom image steps, it may best to rely on users to do it on an as-needed basis.