centrifugal / centrifuge

Real-time messaging library for Go. The simplest way to add feature-rich and scalable WebSocket support to your application. The core of Centrifugo server.

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Protocol: standartize error codes, disconnect codes, client and subscription statuses throughout connectors

FZambia opened this issue · comments

At the moment we give access to string reason, but not to disconnect code. I suppose we should expose access to the code too.

There are cases when client disconnected due to network conditions, timeout, etc. In these cases, there is no disconnect code from a server available. The simplest solution is providing 0 as code in disconnect context. But I suppose it may be better to standardize client-side codes for these situations:

  • CleanDisconnect: 0 false
  • TransportConnectError: 1 true
  • TransportWriteError: 2 true
  • TransportReadError: 3 true
  • TransportClosed: 4 true
  • ConnectFailed: 5 false
  • RefreshFailed: 6 false
  • Unauthorized: 7 false
  • Unrecoverable: 8 false
  • ConnectTimeout: 9 true
  • SubscribeTimeout: 10 true
  • NoPing: 11 true
  • Slow Client: 12 true
  • UnsubscribeError: 13 true

All client-side disconnects except clean disconnect result in a reconnect.

P.S. A good thing would be also think about client-side error codes.

Possible client errors and codes:

  • TransportConnectError = 0
  • Timeout = 1
  • TransportWriteError = 2
  • ClientDisconnected = 3
  • SubscriptionUnsubscribed = 5
  • SubscriptionClosed =

Also, for the future would be great to standardize client connector statuses. One possible option is having:


Relates centrifugal/centrifuge-swift#27

And subscription statuses (not actual - see UPD below):


UPD: things evolved here a bit, current plan is to have:


Also, looking for a way to avoid using JSON string as reason in disconnects. I think we may somehow use code to indicate whether or not client should reconnect (odd/even?). And send plain text reason. Not sure how to do this in backwards compatible way though.

Done in #221

If someone follows this issue – the current draft of standartized client API is in Centrifugo v4 WIP docs:

Client API v2

Any feedback is appreciated – this is the future of Centrifuge and Centrifugo.