centreon / centreon-vmware

Centreon VMWare connector to check ESX server, VCenter and VMWare guest resources

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centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon.noarch 3.0

boogaaloo opened this issue · comments


I made an update to Centreon and nothing else works with the vmware plugin. I uninstalled centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon.noarch 3.0.0 but can not find the old version
Here's my question: where can I find the latest version centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon before version 3.0?
Thank you

It should work. After upgrading the daemon package, you need to do:

# yum update centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon-3.0.0-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
# systemctl stop centreon_vmware
# systemctl daemon-reload
# chown centreon:centreon /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log
# chown -R centreon:centreon /tmp/centreon_vmware
# systemctl start centreon_vmware

"After upgrading the daemon package"
Can you specify packages to upgrade ?
Thank you

Following on the poller:

 yum update centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon centreon-plugin-Virtualization-Vmware2-Connector-Plugin

There is no upgrade for centreon-plugin-Virtualization-Vmware2-Connector-Plugin
Is this normal ?
My version is centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon.noarch 0:3.0.0-20190221161610.el7.centos
Is it OK ?

There is a new Connector-Plugin also

Thank you for your help.

I upgraded centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon (by yum). Then I updated the part of the vmware plugins - github ).
Then I follow this :

# systemctl stop centreon_vmware
# systemctl daemon-reload
# chown centreon:centreon /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log
# chown -R centreon:centreon /tmp/centreon_vmware
# systemctl start centreon_vmware

Nothing happen ! except this error :
UNKNOWN: Container connection problem

When i do journalctl -u centreon_vmware :
Cannot open file /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log: Permission non accordée

ls -la /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 centreon centreon 11363178 25 mars  12:04 /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log

This update is a bit messy...