cemsaz / city-scapes-script

Download City Scapes Dataset using this script

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can this script work on a Windows10 system with wget package?

TheRealPoseidon opened this issue · comments

Hi cemsaz!
Sorry to border you. I have installed the x64 version of wget on win10. When I copy and run the first line of the script in the cmd terminal, it gives the error ' password is not recognized as an internal or external command'.
Are those two commands supposed to be run on linux or ubuntu systems, not for windows?

I'm trying to generate a cookie.txt ( first command ) on a ubuntu virtual machine (without enough space) and then run the second command on my windows10. Hope this works...

I'm trying to generate a cookie.txt ( first command ) on a ubuntu virtual machine (without enough space) and then run the second command on my windows10. Hope this works...

No, it's not working. I'm trying to download the raw data (with 324Gb in size) using the above method. The transmission was interrupted after 11Gb was download. It seems like the transmission corrupts after my account automatic logout on city-scapes website.