celestiaorg / rsmt2d

Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Consider moving source files from repo root

rootulp opened this issue · comments


Currently all the Go source files are located at the root of this repo. #288


This is extremely minor but the Go source files can be intermingled with other files (README.md). Depends on the editor a contributor uses but in VSCode for me:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 3 03 18 PM


Given the number of files, IMO it makes sense to put them in a directory like src/ or rsmt2d/

I quickly looked into this and apparently Go source files in the repo root are expected for small-ish packages. If we refactor this repo into multiple Go modules then we can move files from the root into directories.