celestiaorg / rsmt2d

Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clarification around `MaxChunks`

rootulp opened this issue · comments



Lines 21 to 22 in 47826b0

// MaxChunks returns the max. number of chunks each code supports in a 2D square.
MaxChunks() int


Does MaxChunks describe the maximum number of shares in the ODS or EDS? The usage here and here indicate that it describe the maximum number of shares in the ODS.


  • The implementation of this function for the leopard codec here indicates that it supports 32768 * 32768 shards so an ODS width of 32768.
  • klauspost/reedsolomon README has a benchmark for 32768+32768 shards here.