celestiaorg / rsmt2d

Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.

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Naming of test cases is confusing

andrijamitrovic23 opened this issue · comments

First part of naming of test cases in TestCorruptedEdsReturnsErrByzantineData is confusing. There are two possible ways to understand what does the naming refer to, and both of them are not completely right:

  • Bad Row or Column refers to the one Axis that should be returned as a part of the byzData. Trough debugging it has been confirmed that only for the third test case there is a overlapping between a name and the returned axis.

  • Bad Row or Column refers to the corruption of data within a row or a column but this is not true for the fourth test case.

Maybe just use the second part of naming (after “/“) which refers to will the original or extended data be corrupted.

Tagging @distractedm1nd for awareness