celery / django-celery-results

Celery result back end with django

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Only Success and Failure states showing in celery results in django-db

prakharrathi25 opened this issue · comments

I am working with django_celery_results and the results are being stored in the django database but the TaskResults table only shows the task when it's either SUCCESS or FAILURE. Otherwise the task doesn't show up. Is there a fix for this?

this package only store task results!

What is my alternative if I want to see the other task states like PENDING, RETRY, STARTED etc. which are also mentioned on the TaskResults Admin Panel.

may be porting the celery monitor codes here would be the way. I will be working on that

Any update on this feature? This feature will be very very helpful.

Nobody has shared an update on this yet.

will be working on it

i see there is a pr (#322) but no progress for a while, is this still being worked on?

I forgot, but will resume it soon