celebv-text / CelebV-Text

(CVPR 2023) CelebV-Text: A Large-Scale Facial Text-Video Dataset

Home Page:https://celebv-text.github.io/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Downloaded Video Link

emmadgw opened this issue · comments

feel free to use the downloaded videos, which takes about 700GB. I separated 70,000 videos into 70 zip files (1,000 videos each)
please let me know if there is any problem

Updated (Jan. 16, 2024):

  • Add Baidu Netdisk link, just in case onedrive is constantly banned:
    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ar-wH5UzNoGwRQ_NaapCjw (code: 7788)
  • We encourage anyone who wants to download this dataset to save these files to their own Baidu Netdisk or upload to other platforms. And share your links with others if this link is down.

Updated (Aug. 11, 2023):

  • Audios:
    Currently, we are only able to provide 67005 audios as some of the videos are not available on YouTube.

  • New download link (videos+audio):

  • NOTE: If you find this page is empty and you get a "throttled request" error, it means that onedrive has temporarily banned this link (24hrs maybe) due to the traffic limitation.

@emmadgw The provided sharing link has expired.

@emmadgw seems this link is down again, also it seems the audio is left out of the upload

Same here. Please share the link again if possible.

@emmadgw seems this link is down again, also it seems the audio is left out of the upload

Same here. Please share the link again if possible.



Some files seem like they have been banned. Can you update again if possible @emmadgw

Can anyone who downloaded the videos along with the audio share a drive link? The link above has expired.


Can anyone who downloaded the videos along with the audio share a drive link? The link above has expired.

no, i can not too.

Can anyone who downloaded the videos along with the audio share a drive link? The link above has expired.

no, i can not too.

@tangger2000 @akankshasingh25


Can anyone who downloaded the videos along with the audio share a drive link? The link above has expired.

no, i can not too.

updated @tangger2000 @akankshasingh25

Does this update include audio files? I noticed in the last two times there was no audio.

The provided sharing link has expired.


@Jaeckel-d I got this dataset, and shared it with you. Please download this dataset early or this link will expire soon again.

@Jaeckel-d I got this dataset, and shared it with you. Please download this dataset early or this link will expire soon again. 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/532b5818a5e8 提取码:J7k9

Thank u !!!

@Jaeckel-d I got this dataset, and shared it with you. Please download this dataset early or this link will expire soon again. 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/532b5818a5e8 提取码:J7k9

The provided sharing link has expired. Could you please provide it again, thanks!

@Jaeckel-d I got this dataset, and shared it with you. Please download this dataset early or this link will expire soon again. 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/532b5818a5e8 提取码:J7k9

The provided sharing link has expired. Could you please provide it again, thanks!


@EzrealLee9527 sure, the link is the following. Please download it as soon as you can.

We are uploading the videos to the Onedrive to make them more accessible, it could take a few days to finish.
Also the corresponding audios are in the process (some audios may lost as they are not available on Youtube now).
Hope these can be released in next week (Aug 10).

We are uploading the videos to the Onedrive to make them more accessible, it could take a few days to finish. Also the corresponding audios are in the process (some audios may lost as they are not available on Youtube now). Hope these can be released in next week (Aug 10).

Thank you for sharing! However, all videos provided in the link lack audio.

i found the aspect ratio of your provided videos is not square, which is not correspond to the download_and_process.py script.

We are uploading the videos to the Onedrive to make them more accessible, it could take a few days to finish.
Also the corresponding audios are in the process (some audios may lost as they are not available on Youtube now).
Hope these can be released in next week (Aug 10).

by the way, is the video data you provided are downloaded by yourself or you use the same videos provided in the quark link?

@EzrealLee9527 sure, the link is the following. Please download it as soon as you can. link:https://pan.quark.cn/s/84600f7a6350 code:Q7jq

Thanks for sharing, can I ask why there are no zip files, I can only see one readme file. Seems all the zip files were filtered.

Expired. Anyone can re-upload it?

We are uploading the videos to the Onedrive to make them more accessible, it could take a few days to finish. Also the corresponding audios are in the process (some audios may lost as they are not available on Youtube now). Hope these can be released in next week (Aug 10).

Hi, any updates? Thanks for sharing!


@zengqunzhao @haofanwang

Thanks! But the files are too large (over 100G). Could you know how to download them?

Thanks! But the files are too large (over 100G). Could you know how to download them?

You can download the video files separately

Thanks! But the files are too large (over 100G). Could you know how to download them?

You can download the video files separately
OK! But there is no json label in the download link. How to get the json label file?

Thanks! But when I open the link, it writes something went wrong and there are no files. Does anyone have the same issue?

free feel to use the downloaded videos, which takes about 700GB. I separated 70,000 videos into 70 zip files (1,000 videos each) please let me know if there is any problem

Updated (Aug. 11, 2023):

* Audios:
  Currently, we are only able to provide 67005 audios as some of the videos are not available on YouTube.

* New download link (videos+audio):

the link seems to be an empty folder, could you share again please?

Thanks! But when I open the link, it writes something went wrong and there are no files. Does anyone have the same issue?

Hi @NickyFot @zengqunzhao

I noticed that OneDrive throw a "throttled request" error. it seems to trigger the OneDrive's traffic control.
Please just wait and try it later. If anyone knows how to solve this, please let me know.

Thanks! But when I open the link, it writes something went wrong and there are no files. Does anyone have the same issue?

Hi @NickyFot @zengqunzhao

I noticed that OneDrive throw a "throttled request" error. it seems to trigger the OneDrive's traffic control. Please just wait and try it later. If anyone knows how to solve this, please let me know.

Hi, thanks. I will try later. If you can share a new link, that would be great, cheers!

All download urls are error, can you release a new one?

Same here. Actually the links are back now.


All download urls are error, can you release a new one?

Hi @ZhaoyangLi-nju @SeanNobel @lileishitou

Onedrive may temporally ban this link (24hrs maybe) if the traffic limit is triggered.
We are unable to help at this time, please try again later.


@emmadgw The shared repo is empty, could you please upload again? Thank you very much!


Hi, thanks for your great contribution. But Onedrive link seems currently inaccessible. Could you please upload it on Google Drive or Baidu Drive?

@EzrealLee9527 sure, the link is the following. Please download it as soon as you can. link:https://pan.quark.cn/s/84600f7a6350 code:Q7jq

@tangger2000 Hi, the link is expired. Could you please share it again? Thank you.

FYI 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ni7z7x0Rj1mrgUxWDvq9SA?pwd=6666 提取码: 6666

@ymmshi Hi, the shared link is invalid now. Would you mind sharing the dataset agian? Thanks a lot!

All the links above are not working, can someone re-upload the data? thanks a lot!

@XChenZ @sogoojoy
We updated the baidu link, pls check it out above.

Do I need to pre-process videos downloaded through Onedrive?

How can I download the dataset without using BaiduNetdisk? I've downloaded it, but I don't know how to register there

Is there something wrong with the audios? why there are so many noise with them?

Hello, the OneDrive link says "accessDenied". Could you please update the link? Thanks.


@zhuhaozh All links are broken. Could you please update the link?