ceghap / goinvois-nextjs

just a simple invoice generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Invoice generator on the go.

  • Build on nextjs (typescript).
  • Fullstack.
  • With tailwindcss
  • With prisma
  • With Auth0
  • With PostgresSQL (supabase)

Gettting staarted (stable nextjs way)

  1. git clone git@github.com:ceghap/goinvois-nextjs.git or git clone https://github.com/ceghap/goinvois-nextjs.git
  2. cd goinvoice-nextjs
  3. yarn install && yarn dev
  4. go to http://localhost:3000

Next 13 Layout / app

this implementation was moved to a different branch of this repository with-server-component.
to check out the implementation please checkout to the branch git checkout with-server-component

NextAuth + Auth0

  • I choose NextAuth so that changing provider in the future will be easier(Avoid vendor locking).
  • I did choose Auth0 as it offer free plan with 7000 active user & I did not need to host it anywhere.

NextAuth + Oauth + prisma + supabase

I have abandoned Auth0 as setting up Oauth with google & github is the easiest to start with. I also set prisma up & add it as adaptor in NextAuth. Every successful oauth 'login' will a user in the database. I also set prisma with supabase as it is a postgreSQL & it is FREE! :joi:

Add this in .env to make Auth0 Work

generate SECRET using this cmd openssl rand -base64 32

# Google provider
# Github provider


Too bad, prisma by default did not understand .env.local so renaming your .env.local to .env is a must here. There are some workaround like using dotenv package for this, but I can't a way to let prisma env() in schema.prisma to be working. I could say that use .env is the easiest way to start :)

Add this in .env


run this to create SQL migration npx prisma generate npx prisma migrate dev

to use prisma studio npx prisma studio


just a simple invoice generator


Language:TypeScript 96.3%Language:JavaScript 3.7%Language:CSS 0.1%