Repository with samples to test JHipster Control Center Kubernetes Integration.
Install and start Minikube.
Create a RoleBinding for Kubernetes Service Discovery
kubectl create clusterrolebinding system-default-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:serviceaccount:default:default
Yeah, Cluster Admin, this is just a test!
Run JHipster Control Center:
kubectl run jhipstercontrolcenter --image=cedriclamalle/jhipstercontrolcenter --port=7419 --env="SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod"
Map port 7419:
kubectl port-forward pods/jhipstercontrolcenter 7419:7419
Now JHipster Control Center is running and available at http://localhost:7419. Next step is to run the sample app generated with JHipster 6.10.1.
For this example we'll use Skaffold.
and change the
to your dockerhub login.
git clone
cd jhipster-control-center-k8s-sample/sample-app-1
skaffold dev
This will build the executable, the Docker image with jib and deploy the application in Minikube.