cedaro / esformatter-wordpress

Format JavaScript according to the WordPress Coding Standards.

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Sublime text 3 throwing error

saas786 opened this issue · comments


I am trying to use it with Sublime, when I run ESFormatter command initialy it has thrown the error regarding "esformatter-wordpress" not found, then I installed it with -g and it works.

But I received new error now, it says "stdin quotes.tokenBefore" not found

Can you please help me understand why its throwing this error?

Using this from the command line myself, but also receiving this error.

Thanks for the report, @saas786. Like @corvannoorloos, I was able to reproduce this on the command line and traced it down to a change in the esformatter-quotes plugin.

I'll spend a little more time testing when I get a chance, but the fix should just require updating the call from quotes.tokenBefore() to quotes.tokenAfter() and moving it into an exports.tokenAfter() method in index.js.

@saas786 @corvannoorloos I believe 353bf2e should take care of this. If y'all an confirm it works, I'll go ahead and tag a new release.

@bradyvercher 353bf2e fixes the issue for me on the command line. Thanks for having taken a look at this during the holidays!

@bradyvercher It doesn't work for me in sublime text 3,

I have installed it again (with -g) and it still throws error for me

@saas786 These are just my first attempts using esformatter-wordpress + Sublime Text, but after 353bf2e I'm running this without any issues.

I have installed:

Which Sublime Text package are you using and have you installed npm install -g github:cedaro/esformatter-wordpress#develop?

@corvannoorloos Thanks for the info, by installing develop branch, it works now.

Thanks for testing and confirming it works. I've gone ahead pushed out version 0.2.1 to wrap this up.

@corvannoorloos Thanks for lending a hand and taking the time to post your steps for testing. It's much appreciated!