cdsap / Talaiot

Simple and extensible plugin to track task times in your Gradle Project.

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retentionPolicyConfiguration is not working

alirezaafkar opened this issue · comments

Hi, Do you have any idea why with the following configuration, my reports are still stored with roTalaiot?!

talaiot {
    publishers {
        influxDbPublisher {
            dbName = "tracking"
            taskMetricName = "task"
            buildMetricName = "build"
            url = System.getenv("INFLUX_URL")
            password = System.getenv("INFLUX_PASSWORD")
            retentionPolicyConfiguration {
                name = "customRp"
                duration = "4w"
                shardDuration = "30m"
                replicationFactor = 1
                isDefault = true

Hi, thanks for the report.
I think that you are hitting the edge case where the data first was reported without Retention Policy, and then using the same dbname it tried to report using different rp.
Can you test please if you can use the customRp with a different dbName?
If works we need to check which data was stored with the default rp.
Let me know

I tried different dbNames, still not working.

Sorry to hear that, I just tested one local instance and verify that worked. Do you have access to the data in influxdb? I would remove the wrong Retention Public.