cdmill / neomodern.nvim

A collection of modern themes for Neovim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

These are awesome, thanks (and foot terminal config)

nilsherzig opened this issue · comments

Thanks for creating these, i really like them a lot :)

The iceclimber style mapped to the foot terminal colors:

background=171718       # bg
foreground=bbbac1       # fg
regular0=111111         # black (mapped to dim)
regular1=e67e80         # red (mapped to error)
regular2=7da77e         # green (mapped to string/plus)
regular3=ad9368         # yellow (mapped to warning)
regular4=817faf         # blue (mapped to keyword)
regular5=e29eca         # magenta (mapped to builtin)
regular6=559ba3         # cyan (mapped to property)
regular7=bbbac1         # white (mapped to foreground for contrast)

bright0=2d2d2f          # bright black (mapped to border)
bright1=d6a56f          # bright red (mapped to type)
bright2=8da0d6          # bright green (mapped to func/delta)
bright3=dbbc8a          # bright yellow (mapped to constant)
bright4=222225          # bright blue (mapped to float)
bright5=b39581          # bright magenta (mapped to preproc)
bright6=333336          # bright cyan (mapped to visual)
bright7=bbbac1          # bright white (same as white for visibility)

Awesome. If you want credit for it I created a placeholder file in the neomodern.nvim/extras directory and you can submit a pull request. Otherwise I can add it later np. Thanks!