cdktf / cdktf-provider-digitalocean

Prebuilt Terraform CDK (cdktf) provider for digitalocean.

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Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster Not creating. Giving Error : The argument "size" is required, but no definition was found.

Jahadul-Rakib opened this issue · comments

Hello sir,
I am going to create a kubernetes cluster using cdktf and cdktf-provider-digitalocean...but i am stucking in a place .... i can not understand how can i overcome this issue. please help me....

cdktf & Language Versions

Java and library cdktf-provider-digitalocean(0.0.6 to 0.0.0)

Expected Behavior

create kubernetes cluster

Actual Behavior

Error: Missing required argument
The argument "size" is required, but no definition was found.

Steps to Reproduce

        KubernetesCluster kubernetesCluster = KubernetesCluster.Builder.create (this, dto.getClusterName ())
                .name (dto.getClusterName ())
                .vpcUuid (vpc.getId ())
                .version (dto.getK8sVersion ())
                .region (dto.getRegion ())
                .autoUpgrade (true)
                .surgeUpgrade (true)
                .ha (dto.getHighAvailability ())
                .nodePool (KubernetesClusterNodePool.builder ()
                        .name ("default-node-group")
                        .nodeCount (dto.getDefaultNodeTotal ())
                        .size (dto.getDefaultNodeType ())
                        .build ())
                .dependsOn (List.of (vpc))
                .build ();

Could you try hardcoding a value in the .size() call, e.g. .size("s-2vcpu-2gb")? The error reads to me like it misses the size attribute on the node pool.

yes.. i also try hard coded value....its not working.when i manually adding size attribute its work but from library its do not work properly.

What do you mean with manually adding the size attribute?

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