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MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=text/plain

5iver opened this issue · comments

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This occurs for all Things, not just zwave. I assume it is something to do with i18n. My laptop is using Firefox on Fedora27, and my locale in OH is set to United States/English. I have also seen the same with Chrome on Windows 10.

screenshot from 2018-06-03 12-31-54

screenshot from 2018-06-03 12-32-19

screenshot from 2018-06-03 12-31-03

screenshot from 2018-06-03 12-31-23

{"error":{"message":"HTTP 500 Internal Server Error","http-code":500,"exception":{"class":"","message":"HTTP 500 Internal Server Error","localized-message":"HTTP 500 Internal Server Error","cause":"org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException"}}}

For the channel errors this looks like what I said on the forum. HABmin is requesting configuration information for channels that have no configuration, and the server is returning an error. I've no idea what the error actually means.

I recall in the past we had a similar issue with configuration on things - if a thing didn't have any configuration, then you got an error. I changed it for things - I suspect it should be changed for everything. I don't think this is an issue in HABmin...

The last one just looks like it's requesting the config status - this looks fine. The REST call takes no parameters other than the thing UID, so I don't think this is an issue with HABmin either.

This is the other issue I was thinking of -:

@openhab-5iver I don't think there's a lot I can do about this. I could not request the config descriptions for channels, but that would cause other problems. I don't think there's a way to get the channel config without requesting it, and if it doesn't exist, then we have 404.

The status error I can't replicate here - I don't see any issue with the URI that HABmin is sending, so I think this is an ESH problem? It might be a ZWave binding problem - although you said above it's not ZWave specific, so I guess it's ESH...

The status error I can't replicate here

That's strange... I can replicate the same error (in the log) and the 500 using REST-DOCS, so would think you would get the same. Another reason why I was thinking it was somehow related to i18n. But now thinking about it, it's got to just be a REST API issue.

screenshot from 2018-06-03 16-08-13

Agreed. And BTW, it is the 500 error that causes the

2018-06-03 16:28:58.816 [ERROR] [.jersey.message.internal.WriterInterceptorExecutor] - MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=text/plain, type=class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection, genericType=class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection.

I'll open an ESH issue for it.