cdharris / react-app-rewire-hot-loader

Adds the react-hot-loader to your create-react-app via react-app-rewired

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Incompatible with react-app-rewired v2

alex3683 opened this issue · comments


react-app-rewire-hot-loader is incompatible with version 2.x.x of react-app-rewired, since they removed all utility helper functions, including injectBabelPlugin (source:
Downgrading react-app-rewired isn't an option when working with the most recent version of create-react-app. But it seems as if the react-app-rewired team is aware of this issue: timarney/react-app-rewired#346 (comment)

Really need to update this package for latest version of react-app-rewired (2.x).

I'm not working on a React project at the moment so would appreciate pull requests for this :)

This should hopefully be fixed by @Olafaloofian 's PR #16
New v2.0.0 published.

v2.0.1 published as per #17 that should restore this functionality now.