cdancette / rubi.bootstrap.pytorch

NeurIPS 2019 Paper: RUBi : Reducing Unimodal Biases for Visual Question Answering

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Unable to run the Compare(Evaluation) script.

jokieleung opened this issue · comments


Hi, I have trained the baseline and Rubi model in the VQA-CP V2 dataset. And when I wanted to run the python -m rubi.compare_vqa2_rubi_val -d logs/vqa2/rubi logs/vqa2/baseline ,I got the Error:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_val_oe.json'

And then I checked the log dir of the Rubi and the baseline net, I couldn't find the JSON log file for 'open-ended' evaluation, and the log.txt was like:

[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_rubi_val_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_rubi_val_oe.json'
[I 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...trap/engines/ Evaluating model on valset for epoch 0
[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_train_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_train_oe.json'
[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_q_train_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_q_train_oe.json'
[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_rubi_train_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_rubi_train_oe.json'
[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_q_val_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_q_val_oe.json'
[W 2020-02-05 16:08:34] ...tstrap/views/ Json log file 'logs_val_oe' not found in 'logs/vqacp2/rubi/logs_val_oe.json'

I would like to know how to generate these log files for evaluating the 'open-ended' accuracy.
Thank you very much.



The open ended calculation relies on this external library:

block is supposed to be downloaded within the requirements:

The parallelized calculation of the open ended accuracy is supposed to be triggered at the end of each epoch:

If it is not, you can run the command by hand. First set rm to 0 in order to save the result files:

Second run the command displayed in the logs:

It should be something like:

cd $CODE/rubi.bootstrap.pytorch
python -m block.models.metrics.compute_oe_accuracy ARGS

In a parallel universe, we took the time to code this properly.


A quick fix:

cd $CODE/rubi.bootstrap.pytorch
cd ..
pip uninstall block.bootstrap.pytorch
git clone --recursive
ln -s block.bootstrap.pytorch/block rubi.bootstrap.pytorch/

A quick fix:

cd $CODE/rubi.bootstrap.pytorch
cd ..
pip uninstall block.bootstrap.pytorch
git clone --recursive
ln -s block.bootstrap.pytorch/block rubi.bootstrap.pytorch/

Ok , I got it. Thank you very much.