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Pi Zero 2 W compatibility?

Gonioul opened this issue · comments


Pi Zero 2 W is supposed to be Pi 3 compatible in Pi Zero format.

Has someone tested it with motioneyeos?


No, it was theoretically just released 28 Oct 2021. I don't know of anyone who has received one yet, or where they are available.
A53 4 core, but half the RAM of a Pi3B, so, again, theoretically closer related to the Pi3A.
Only 802.11B/c/g/n, no ac.

Would need to get one in hand for testing. Be interesting to see what the boot process is, what OS mods were made, etc.

I have one on the way and plan to give it a shot so fingers crossed if I remember ill give both the PI Zero OS and the PI 3 OS a go and i'll let you know.

I really would appreciate it. Also, please try 20200606 and dev20201026.

I've tried the standard 20200606 pi 3 release and no lights/no boot(expected due to incorrect kernel). So have copied over the latest kernel including the Pi Zero 2 one and am now getting lights but no network connection. Will attempt to connect a screen to see if it's giving any errors out

im going to try the pi zero image and give that a go

I was afraid of that. buildroot, and ThingOS set up VERY specific chip combinations (CPU/GPU/WiFi) per version which is why 4b-8GB doesn't work on 20200606 but does work on dev20201026 (and the PiZeroW2 was but a 'gleam in the eye' of RPiFoundation. For now, I doubt if it will be a supported board with motionEyeOS, until @ccrisan can do a re-build. It should have no issues with building motionEye with the RPiOS or any others that can still support Python2.7.

Yep no luck on my end, I wonder if it's time to sell my soul to the devil and write my own kernal

Did you try dev20201026?
I am beginning to doubt that buildroot / ThingOS has support (yet) for the PiZeroW2, either.

yep no luck
leds flash, processor heats up no display out and im not gona mess with i2c with my brand new PI.

Have you tried PI-dev20201026 or Pi3-dev20201026 out of curiosity?

PI-3 Dev no luck I'll try the PI one

Thanks. Like I said, the motionEyeOS is very chip combination specific from buildroot and ThingOS. We'll have to wait until the next build to get the PiZeroW2 included.

I got my Pi Zero 2s today, and proceeded with testing.

Neither the RPi Zero 1 (motioneyeos-raspberrypi-20200606.img.xz) nor the RPi 3 (motioneyeos-raspberrypi3-20200606.img) images work - neither allows the RPi Zero 2 to boot (no LEDs seen, no network handshake/connectivity to router).

T'was my fear, the images are very chip specific. As I stated above, we'll have to wait. I do thank you for testing.

I've succeeded in booting MotioneyeOS on my Pi Zero 2 W, required changes are available in PR #2829

Many thanks, @jawsper, hopefully it will be added soon.


As motioneyeos is based on thingOS, I would expect the changes to be integrated there. I created a ticket to keep track of it:

i received it today. I hop a release of meyeos soon! :)

has been confirmed operational in the mean time.

I've succeeded in booting MotioneyeOS on my Pi Zero 2 W, required changes are available in PR #2829

I tried making the image using the build script (after applying #2829 )got stuck a few times, and now at missing rootfs.tar.

@jawsper Could you please share how you did the building of the image?

Hi everyone! Any update on this? I have received my Pi Zero 2's and would really like to start using them. I have the same issue as r00kieone.....cant seem to build the image. @jawsper Can you please share the image file that works?

Just got my 2 W. The 20200606 hangs at the 4 enlarged pixels from the graphics chip and never goes further. I’m happy to help test a new image if one is available.

Currently, the only confirmed way to go is RaspberryPiOS Lite, and motionEye found here:

Currently, the only confirmed way to go is RaspberryPiOS Lite, and motionEye found here:

no fast camera support, right?

That would be correct, as Fast Network Camera is an option only available in motionEyeOS. The program that FNC uses is available, as 'streamEye' and can be seen here:

That would be correct, as Fast Network Camera is an option only available in motionEyeOS. The program that FNC uses is available, as 'streamEye' and can be seen here:

tank you. i'll wait a meyeos release for this board :). i need fast camera.


Currently, the only confirmed way to go is RaspberryPiOS Lite, and motionEye found here:

I agree with Starbasessd,
It works, but also I could only reliably get it doing so using Buster, not with Bullseye. (or it could be me)

On the Pi Zero2
Bullseye was failing at python-pip command, installing python3-pip didn't help, and I guess that's why I could not start the web interface, perhaps, maybe a different thread for that topic?
Buster setup and installed the full motioneye without any issues.

Just a newbie's input :)

@HarveyBrookes I've posted updated instructions for RPiOS running Bullseye at:
It is fully functional (motionEye fully, not motionEyeOS fully)

No, it was theoretically just released 28 Oct 2021. I don't know of anyone who has received one yet, or where they are available.

I have one now, but Motioneye does not boot

@pdesimonee This issue opened the day after it was announced. As I stated on the other duplicate thread, and early in this thread, it's now a known issue. Harping on it doesn't do anything. A simple 'me too', or thumbs up (or down) would be sufficient.

@pdesimonee As of right now, the easiest solution is to go with
With the roughly 4 times more powerful CPU and better wifi, it handles
running on the Lite OSs much better than the 1st gen PiZeroWs...

I've uploaded my built image here:

The build instructions for my changes isn't really any different from the regular build, I personally used the docker build, makes it a lot easier to not run into issues with incorrect dependencies.

Edit: I messed up the release and based it on the wrong commit, so please just pretend the release was made based on my rpi-zero-2 branch 😓

@jawsper Is this a buildroot/ThingOS image? Is it strictly for the PiZeroW2 or all Pis, or PiZero, or Pi3?

Also, I've been running this build since my first comment here, and I've not had any issues with it. I even migrated the config from my Pi Zero 1 W and everything worked perfectly out-of-the-box.

@starbasessd This build should work on all Pi3 variants as far as I know, which should be the rpi-3-b, rpi-3-b-plus, rpi-cm3 and now also rpi-zero-2

It's a standard motioneyeos build, not sure how much of that is been synchronized with ThingOS, but I just took the latest code from here and updated a few packages, and made sure to add the rpi2-zero-2 device tree to the image.

@jawsper I was curious as to the date of the image (10/30/2021) until you stated you've been running it a while. Checking on a Pi3B+ (still haven't received a PiZeroW2 yet)

@jawsper Other than the PiZeroW2 support, anything added/upgraded? I was able to get it to boot SDCard on a Pi3B+ without issue. Wasn't able to get it to boot USB with the cmdline.txt change like dev20201026, though... Handy update as SDCards (even with the OS partitions Read-Only) USB drives last much longer...

The only changes I made are these:

Not sure if updating the kernel this from 5.4 all the way to 5.10 was strictly necessary, but I wasn't 100% sure if it would boot with the old kernel.

I'm not sure any of these changes would affect booting from USB...

@jawsper Thank you, your linked build worked for me. Using a V1.3 cam, but will try later with the HQ cam too. Have not tested all the functionality yet.


The only changes I made are these:

Not sure if updating the kernel this from 5.4 all the way to 5.10 was strictly necessary, but I wasn't 100% sure if it would boot with the old kernel.

I'm not sure any of these changes would affect booting from USB...

I just tested this with my PIzero2 and stuck on a boot loop due to no network.?

Did you insert a wpa_supplicant.conf (with valid country=xx line) (replacing xx with your country code) in the /boot partition prior to booting? It sounds like it got past the actual boot and hit the network watchdog.


I set the wifi info via RPI imager menu.
I shall try an set it manually now and see what happens.


@jawsper - worked for me, as well, w/a v1.3 camera, in a zeroview enclosure. The new(er) zero-2 had no issues w/the enclosure, either.
Did the headless boot config, manually (wpa_supplicant.conf, in /boot), with DHCP - works great.
Not extensively tested, but everything seems to work - better streaming, higher fps - looks good!

@wpa-3 Did a manual setup work? (vs the imager info)
@Mumak Thanks for the info!

@jawsper - Perfect! Works with different cameras @ pi zeroW2, including the Raspberry Pi - Kamera, 12MP Sony IMX477R, IR-Camera,... out of the box!


@wpa-3 Did a manual setup work? (vs the imager info) @Mumak Thanks for the info!

It didn't work via the imager but once I added it manually as your suggested all was good.
The only issues I seem to behaving I can only connect to the webUI via my mobile and not PC browser brave/edge all connected to the same wifi network of course.

Is the PC on the same subnet as the mobile? (IP address the same first 3 numbers)?


@wpa-3 Is the PC on the same subnet as the mobile? (IP address the same first 3 numbers)?

Yes all the same network.

Can the PC ping the mobile? Or the Pi?


Can the PC ping the mobile? Or the Pi?

I re-flashed SD card and changed IP rather than DHCP sorting it and now all is fine.
Thanks very much.

The new image worked without issue on my new pi zero 2 W. All the hard work by those involved is much appreciated. Thanks

Thank you so much, I also confirm that the new image worked for me. FWIW, I noticed that the /boot partition is mounted read-only, whereas both / and /data are mounted read-write. Amazing work, very much appreciated!

@starbasessd @wpa-3
What did you exactly do as i hit the same issue with that last screenshot of "panic: rebooting in xx sec (caused by network)". I tried looking up the manual setup work but not sure what you mean by that. Too noob i guess :P

When you image the SDCard how are you doing it? What OS and app are you creating it on?
Windows 10? MacOS? Linux?
In Windows 10, Using Balena Etcher? Win32DiskImager? RaspiImager?
In MacOS RaspiImager or something else?
In Linux RaspiImager or or something else?
Do you have a valid wpa_supplicant.conf file?
Do you place it in the first partition (named 'boot') of the SDCard prior to ejecting it?
Can you post with the ssid and psk info redacted?
It should look something like this:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


i put my SD card in my windows pc
format it with SD Card Formatter by Tuxera
Go to and download that image
Boot my Balena Etcher and let it do its magic

I have no idea how to access that conf file, all i see from a windows system is my e: like this:
And an empty F: (cant read it like usual) which are both that same SD card but different partition

Follow this guide:
Continue with step 5 in the Windows section.

Do make sure you enable file extensions else it'll become wpa_supplicant.conf.txt which will not work (see here for instructions on enabling file extensions

You would copy the wpa_supplicant.conf file to your E: drive before moving it over to your PiZeroW2. You need to create the file with something like NotePad++ (not notepad or wordpad or Word)

The wiki recommends using Notepad++, you can install that from here

Thanks all! and totally did it for me!

I'll see how i can fix the camera as it worked on the normal Raspberry os but not here, yet!
Its the WS-10299 by Waveshare Electronics but i bet i'll find it somewhere along the pages. If not i'll just find a post to see if someone had the same issue.

@jawsper @jasaw @ccrisan
Might want to check out this thread:
There are issues with the MMAL cameras and Bullseye due to RPiFoundation ripping out raspivid and raspistill (and the supporting software) in favor of PiCamera and libcamera. This breaks motion. There are some 'work arounds' but nothing promising at this point for legacy software.

Thanks all! and totally did it for me!

I'll see how i can fix the camera as it worked on the normal Raspberry os but not here, yet! Its the WS-10299 by Waveshare Electronics but i bet i'll find it somewhere along the pages. If not i'll just find a post to see if someone had the same issue.

This worked for me too.
Followed the installation instruction from the wiki with jawsper's image.


Pi Zero 2 W is supposed to be Pi 3 compatible in Pi Zero format.

Has someone tested it with motioneyeos?



Pi Zero 2 W is supposed to be Pi 3 compatible in Pi Zero format.

Has someone tested it with motioneyeos?


I am not able to boot PI zero 2 with motioneyeos. I also put the correct wpa_supplicant. But it works fine with the Raspbian.

@jawsper has done an update to motionEyeOS to enable the PiZeroW2. Be careful of which RaspberryPiOS you use, do not use Debian BullsEye / RPiOS Bullseye due to issues with the change from raspivid/Picamera to libcamera and no python support for libcamera


Pi Zero 2 W is supposed to be Pi 3 compatible in Pi Zero format.

Has someone tested it with motioneyeos?


I have no led light and no sign of life.

Using the motionEyeOS from here for Pi or P3 isn't working.
If you grab the build listed here: #2827 (comment)
I've tested on Pi3B+ and it works, but I don't have a PiZeroW2 to test with. Other users report it working.

I confirm jawsper build seems to work fine, except I failed to disable led at boot with /boot/config.txt.
But echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness does the trick in /data/etc/
Restoring motioneye config also works quite fine, but I had to do it twice, maybe I missed something.

Well it seems, echo 255 or 0 depends on /boot/config.txt dtparam=act_led_activelow=off or on, but I don't know how to default the led to off without a script.

A big thankyou to @jawsper =) I've been wanting to give Motion Eye OS a run on my Zero 2W from the first day I got it.
I used the official Raspberry Pi imager on my Windows 10 PC. Then notepad++ for my wpa_supplicant.conf.
Booted up and connected to my WIFI no problem.

I also have motioneye running on Zero2 after having downloaded the update image. I have issue with email notification but I will open a thread on this

@viaprenestina When you open a ticket, in addition to the other info asked for, include the email server, port, use tls, and timespan settings, please.

Build works great, Thank you.

Just my camera is causing a reboot...
"Camera Module Automatic IR-Cut Sensor Day/Night Vision Video Webcam HD 5MP 1080P OV5647 Adjustable Focus with IR Sensor LED Light"
Will check power and on a standard W

@jawsper , any chance that you merge your changes into the original project?

Thanks for your work, by the way!
(and happy 2022)

@rogierlommers unfortunately, @jawsper doesn't have the access to merge it to the project. I don't know who, besides CCrisan, does. I don't, either, I just do support & documentation.

Ok, @starbasessd thanks for the info.
One other question: I have the NOIR camera (the one from raspberry pi itself) connected to my rpi zero 2W. I have motioneyeOS running now, but for some reason I don't have any incoming video. What type of camera should work?
Schermafbeelding 2022-01-05 om 16 13 02
Schermafbeelding 2022-01-05 om 16 13 10

Local mmal camera, and it should be auto-discovered on startup.
Run the command
vcgencmd get_camera
if it shows 0 for supported and discovered, there's either an issue with the cable or the camera.
The blue side should be close to the black lock for the cables at both ends.

Local mmal camera, and it should be auto-discovered on startup. Run the command vcgencmd get_camera if it shows 0 for supported and discovered, there's either an issue with the cable or the camera. The blue side should be close to the black lock for the cables at both ends.

I have this output:

[root@meye-f7425028 tmp]# vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=0

Does this mean that no camera has been detected? That's quite strange, because I had this setup running before with the original rpi os. There I could use raspistill to make a photo and use raspivid -o - -t 0 -hf -w 640 -h 360 -fps 25 | /usr/bin/cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554}' :demux=h26 to make a stream.

Are you using @jawsper s image? It looks like something isn't quite right. RPiOS (especially the 20211005 Buster, 20211030 Bullseye, and 20211202 Legacy) images have full support for RPiZero2W built in. The last 2 'official' images of motionEyeOS came out a year before the PiZero2W was released. Jawsper forked to another image. I'd like to help, but my PiZero2W is still on back order.

Are you using @jawsper s image? It looks like something isn't quite right. RPiOS (especially the 20211005 Buster, 20211030 Bullseye, and 20211202 Legacy) images have full support for RPiZero2W built in. The last 2 'official' images of motionEyeOS came out a year before the PiZero2W was released. Jawsper forked to another image. I'd like to help, but my PiZero2W is still on back order.

Yeah, I'm using release 20211113:
Basically I did the following:

  • Downloaded the release image
  • Wrote that image to the SD card using BalenaEtcher
  • Then wrote the config file to set WIFI connection
  • Started the raspberry pi
  • It booted fine, no problems
  • I can SSH into the device, but the output of vcgencmd get_camera is like this:
[root@meye-f7425028 tmp]# vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=0

When I put the original raspberry os on the same device, then I can use raspistill to make a photo. So I don't think something is wrong with the device and/or the cables. Should I somehow "enable" the camera connection using a raspi-config alike tool?

@rogierlommers Is that the first or second version of the NoIR camera? I have a first gen NoIR camera somewhere, if I can find it, I will test that one...

@rogierlommers Is that the first or second version of the NoIR camera? I have a first gen NoIR camera somewhere, if I can find it, I will test that one...

It's the Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera V2.


@jawsper If V1 works, V2 should work.

@jawsper If V1 works, V2 should work.

Yeah I would expect the same, but unfortunately it's not the case.

I do have a regular V2 camera somewhere, which should be the exact same hardware as the NoIR (apart from the filter), but it's probably hidden away in an unknown box currently...

@jawsper if you can find it, please do me a favour and try.
I'm running out of options here. I just confirmed that everything works when I use the original raspberry pi os:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=1

UPDATE: after a clean install of motioneyeos (the same release from @jawsper ), it all works out of the box! How strange! I always thought computers were deterministic machines :).

Happy to hear you fixed the issue 😄

Happy to hear you fixed the issue 😄

Thanks for your help. Hopefully your changes will be incorporated in the official release soon. Let me know if I can help with something.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

-- A. C. Clarke

Great to hear.

Just my camera is causing a reboot... "Camera Module Automatic IR-Cut Sensor Day/Night Vision Video Webcam HD 5MP 1080P OV5647 Adjustable Focus with IR Sensor LED Light" Will check power and on a standard W

Sorry, forgot to check and reply. Works fine when connected to a decent power source.

Hey, I've been following the posts here for a while.
Unfortunately, due to language barriers, I have not yet fully understood what I am doing with the ZIP archive that I downloaded from Jasper's repository. Is there an ISO file that I can download? Or can I build an ISO file from the ZIP archive so that I can flash it to my SD card?
I would be happy if someone could help me.

There is an img file in the zip.
You can 'burn' the img file to an SDCard the same as any other RaspberryPi image.
I use Win32Disk Imager from Windows, but there are also the Raspberry Pi imager and Balena Etcher programs (available for Win 10, MacOS, RPiOS, and Linux).
There are dozens, if not hundreds of You Tube videos, instructions all over the place including on the website (under Software) on how to use the tools to get it on the SDCard.

If you are using Windows, you can use 7zip to extract the .img file from
MacOS and most Linux can extract the file natively.

Thank you very much. I've downloaded the wrong files.
Now i've got it ^^

@jawsper was kind enough to try to create an image since none of the 'official' images support the PiZero2W.

@jawsper , since we have your attention now 😀.
Do you know if it's technically possible to manually install motion/motioneye on a Rpi zero 2 W? (see here: motioneye-project/motioneye#2263)

Yes. Please follow the appropriate set of instructions (Buster or Bullseye) and use motion 4.3.2.

@rogierlommers Yes. Please follow the appropriate set of instructions (Buster or Bullseye) and use motion 4.3.2.

Thanks; will do that.
What exactly is the benefit of running montioneyeOS then? (if you can install it yourself)