ccrame / linelevel

An app where musicians can host online album release parties to share new music with their fans

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An app where musicians can host online album release parties to share new music with their fans

Linelevel about page screenshot Linelevel front page screenshot

The Team

Tech Stack

  • Mobile-first design, browser based app.
  • Angular
  • WebRTC + Peer.js
  • Node.js + Express
  • Firebase for database and hosting
  • Karma and Jasmine for testing

MVP feature list

  • video/music streaming (youtube API)
  • user accounts
  • chat
  • mobile-first design
  • unit tests for client and server
  • integration test for api calls

Stretch goals

  • music file upload
  • develop our own streaming feature (from scratch?)
  • rewards/incentives
  • add other genres, film screenings and game demos
  • store/hosting past parties
  • buy album
  • event rsvp, book dates in advance for promotion
  • display list of upcoming promotions for different genres

Git Flow

  • create fork via github
  • clone to local repo
  • // if feature branch does not exist
  • make branch on local repo: git checkout -b branch-name
  • push branch to upstream: git push upstream branch-name
  • // repeat from here if making changes to existing feature
  • make changes to branch until ready to push
  • rebase from dev: git rebase (--continue | --skip | --abort)
  • fix conflicts: git pull --rebase upstream dev
  • push to forked branch: git push origin branch-name
  • create pull request: base team-repo:dev compare your-forked-repo:branch-name
  • repeat until feature is complete


(please add any instructions other team members need to know to run your code here)

To get started, fork and clone the repo, then run

npm install

to install the dependencies.

To run the test suite, you may need to globally install a few dependencies:

npm install -g karma
npm install -g karma-jasmine
npm install -g karma-coverage
npm install -g karma-chrome-launcher
npm install -g karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

To run the actual tests, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run the command

karma start

A new browser window should open stating that Karma connected successfully.

Please use lint by running

gulp lint

to find syntax errors before submitting a pull request.

Deploying on firebase

Install Firebase Tools and deploy!

npm install -g firebase-tools

firebase deploy


An app where musicians can host online album release parties to share new music with their fans


Language:JavaScript 76.7%Language:HTML 16.6%Language:CSS 6.7%