cburstedde / p4est

The "p4est" forest-of-octrees library

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points example lacking point data

pkestene opened this issue · comments


Currently the "points" examples are disabled in the cmake build.
These examples require pts data files (one file per MPI process).

There is also a comment in example/CMakelist.txt stating the points data files are missing, so that why the example is disabled in the cmake build (while still enabled in the autotools build) .

Proposed solution

  • provide a simple executable that generate some point data to avoid distributing binary data files
  • instead of generating one point data file per MPI process, just use MPI-IO to make reading / writing the point data file a MPI collective operation. One advantage is that user can easily generate data for any number of MPI processes, and read them with a possibly different number of MPI processes as easily.

Thanks for thinking this forward!

I'm merging #212, which resolves the issue. We may keep this issue open low-priority to play with the location of the generated points some more depending on the connectivity.

Likewise, adding the sc_io error handling will be instructive with this example.