cbovar / ConvNetSharp

Deep Learning in C#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"disposable" not defined

gschmidt958 opened this issue · comments

I just downloaded and tried to build ConvNetSharp.Core.2015 with VS2015 and I obtain the following error.



You need VS2019 to build ConvNetSharp. You get this error because it uses a language feature that doesn't exist yet in VS2015.

Also, is your repository up-to-date? I believe I removed 2015 related stuff long time ago.

I pulled down the repo in a zip file today. There was a project file which had "2015" in the name which I used. I can install VS2019, if that is what is needed.
Thank you for your response.

2015 projects were removed in this commit on Jul 14, 2018.

Maybe try to clone this repo or download the zip again ?
The latest version is https://github.com/cbovar/ConvNetSharp/archive/master.zip

I downloaded the latest repo and installed VS2019. I now have the 2D demo running :)
Thanks again!
