cboling-zz / codeSize

R script to take a GHS (Green Hills Software) symbol table output and calculate section and function sizes

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GHS Code Size

Crunch GHS NM output to determine what code is taking up the most space

Author: Chip Boling Date: Dec. 18, 2014

When using GNM to create the input file, use the '-h -v -p -no_debug -S -a -X' options for best results. For example, with input.bin as the ELF image create by multi and nm.txt as the path/filename.

$ gnm -h -v -p -no_debug -S -a -X input.bin > /tmp/nm.output.txt


The only requirement is for a recent version of the R programming language. This script was tested under version 3.1.2 of R and developed/debugged with RStudio version 0.98.1091. RStudio is not required to run this program. The program makes uses of the data.table, stringr, plyr, and getopt libraries but the script will auto-install these if needed as well as any other libraries these main libraries may require.

R is available for most platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac) from http://r-project.org

Should you have trouble with the auto-install of any packages, you can manually install them using the command:

$ R
> install.packages("pkg-name")  <-- where pkg-name is the name of the package such as Rcpp
> ^d                            <-- to exit the R shell

To install R under Ubuntu, you can use: sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

If the downloaded version of R is less than version 3, you may need to specify a different linux install location such as:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E084DAB9
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://streaming.stat.iastate.edu/CRAN/bin/linux/ubuntu quantal/' >>  /etc/apt/sources.list" 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

Running the program

Then run the script, make sure that 'codeSize.R' is executable, (chmod +x codesize.R on Linux) and then just enter command below.

$ *./codeSize.R*.

To see allowed options, enter the command:

$ ./codeSize.R --help
    Usage: ./codeSize.R [--file|f] <file>]
                        [--symSize|s <octets>]
                        [--secSize|S] <minSecoctetstSize>]
                        [--maxSymb|m <octets>]
                        [--dirSize|D] <octets>]
                        [--fileSize|F <octets>]
                        [--maxLines|M <lines>]
    -f|--file       The input file path, default is nm.txt in the current working directory
    -s|--symSize    Discard symbols smaller than this. Default is 1 octet
    -S|--secSize    Discard sections smaller than this. Default is 256 octets
    -m|--maxSymb    Only report symbols this size and larger in max symbol report.
                    Default is 4096 octets
    -D|--dirSize    Size that the sum of all symbols in a directory (and subdirectories) 
                    must be to make it into the directory report. Default is 128K.
    -F|--fileSize   Size that the sum of all symbols in a file must be to make it into 
                    the file report.  Default is 64K.
    -m|--maxLines   Maximum number of output lines per report/sub-report for sections that 
                    may have many.  Default is 100.
    -o|--output     Output CSV filename for cleaned map.  Default is "" (no CSV output)
    -v|--verbose    Enable verbose output
    -?|--help       Print out help text

The output will is sent to stdout

Running from with Rstudio or from the R console prompt

If you run the script from within Rstudio or the R shell, you can just call the code_size function and supply any needed parameters. The parameters to the code_size function are:

Parameter Description
inputFile Path to input NM created with GHS 'gnm' and the '-h -v -p -S -a -X' options. Default is 'nm.txt'
minSymSize Minimum symbol size (in octets). All symbols smaller than this will be discarded. Default is 1 octet (zero length symbols discarded)
minSectSize Minimum section size (in octets). All sections smaller than this will be discarded. Default is 256
maxSymbolCutoff Size a symbol must be to make it into the maximum symbol report. Default is 4096
maxDirectoryCutoff Size that the sum of all symbols in a directory (and subdirectories) must be to make it into the directory report. Default is 128K.
maxFileCutoff Size that the sum of all symbols in a file must be to make it into the file report. Default is 64K.
maxLines Maximum number of output lines per report/sub-report for sections that may have many. Default is 100 lines..
csvOutput Output filename for CSV output for entire data. By default no CSV output is generated.
verbose Verbose output flag for debugging purposes

Sample Output

Below is a sample (and condensed) output from the program.



R script to take a GHS (Green Hills Software) symbol table output and calculate section and function sizes


Language:R 100.0%