cbeuw / GoQuiet

A Shadowsocks obfuscation plugin utilising domain fronting to evade deep packet inspection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Still catched by Local ISP

bash99 opened this issue · comments

Version 1.1.2

ss-libev run with xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 method.

At first, connection is fine. after about an hour with some traffic (no big download, just some browser), 443 port is blocked in local ISP. Stop client for about a day, 443 port is opened again.

Local ISP is very sensitive that tls1.2 from ssr or tls from simple-obfs is blocked after some traffic too. Only ws over https can work on port 443.

I think our traffic is still significant in that each TCP connection will lead to a TLS handshake with the proxy server. Frequent handshakes are not normal.

I'm thinking of establishing a fixed amount of standing TLS sessions and multiplex traffic through them.

how about implement http/2 support?