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Godot scene `.tscn` icon not working in light mode

benediktms opened this issue · comments

When working with the editor in dark mode the icons work properly as seen below:

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 09 49 28

However when switching to light mode the icons get replaced with this:

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 09 51 16

I tested this with different color themes, the result is the same. I'm on macOS, I can test this on windows and linux later if needed.

i'm not currently able to replicate this.

i notice your other icons are not switching to latte either, do you have catppuccin.syncWithIconPack enabled? i don't know if it's related, but let me know if that changes anything.


@backwardspy thanks for getting back to me! I did have that setting enabled, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Toggling the themes doesn't change the icon theme. I tried to reset both the theme plugin and the icon plugin, but it doesn't seem to work. Also setting the icon theme manually to Latte will still display those broken icons

I think I found the reason why the icon toggle does not work for me:

I sync my VSCode theme to the system theme, so if I have a dark system theme I use Macchiato, if I have a light theme I use Latte. The problem is that VSCode does not actually change the current theme.

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 12 05 39

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 12 06 14

From what I can tell the plugin looks at the workbench.colorTheme and not the preferredLightColorTheme and preferredDarkColorTheme settings, probably, maybe it's not easy to tell what mode window.autoDetectColorScheme is currently in?

Either way for me the Latte icons are still broken

thanks for that additional info, that's really helpful. i'll look into this shortly and get back to you.

i was able to replicate the sync issue based on what you said, and i have created #399 which attempts to resolve it.

thanks again for raising this!

Either way for me the Latte icons are still broken

if even manually setting the icon theme to latte doesn't resolve this, please could you raise an issue for it on i don't think that part of the problem is caused by this plugin.