catppuccin / nvim

🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim

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Abnormal color

yyy33 opened this issue · comments


Hello, my line number and the color of the current line and the current column seem to be displayed abnormally, the terminal I use is xterm, how should I set it?


Hmm I don't have this issue on xterm. Maybe you didn't set your ~/.Xresources color correctly?

Are you using tmux? Check your color configuration


Hmm I don't have this issue on xterm. Maybe you didn't set your ~/.Xresources color correctly?

Are you using tmux? Check your color configuration

I'm also using tmux, how should I set the color of tmux or xterm to use this theme properly

What's the output of echo $TERM?

I tested xterm and tmux with no configuration and it works fine.

You can try :set notermguicolors | Catppuccin mocha to test if it's a true color issue. In that case try updating xterm (My version is 372-2) and tmux (My version is 3.3_a-2)

By default tmux says to your terminal that it is screen without 256 color support. In your tmux config make sure to set the default terminal value to 256.

set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

In your .Xresources set your terminal name to to state 256 color

XTerm*termName: xterm-256color

I used zsh which is why $COLORTERM is truecolor by default. Sorry for not taking shell into account

Anyway enabling true color is documented on the xterm arch wiki

@yyy33 Please update us if you solved the issue!


echo $TERM

The value is xterm-256color,This value is always the same whether I open tmux or not

I have added this in the readme section

@yyy33 The value should not be the same when you open tmux, it should be tmux-256color instead. Do not set the TERM variable from your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or similar file. The terminal itself should report the correct TERM to the system so that the proper terminfo file will be used.

Edit ~/.Xresources and add the line XTerm.termName: xterm-256color. Then run xrdb merge ~/.Xresources & in your terminal.

Please read through this is not an issue with the colorscheme and you should make some effort on your end.