catamphetamine / universal-webpack

Isomorphic Webpack: both on client and server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Readme is difficult to follow

AndrewRayCode opened this issue · comments

The instructions say to create a webpack.config.client.babel.js file

Then without explaining why they say to use a file

Scrolling up and looking for this file, and command-F-ing for this file in the readme reveal nothing

Only if you happen to keep reading (which I didn't do because I was stuck) would you find the .dev name

Then it links to webpack.config.client.development.babel.js, instead of, adding some cognitive overhead of adding the file to your repo.

And it's not clear if you're supposed to copy/paste that whole config file verbatim to your project, or if it somehow comes for free with universal-webpack, and if you're supposed to copy it verbatim, what is the point of all the boilerplate in the file? Shouldn't that be hidden inside this library?

No sht it is complicated as hell.
Rewrote the intro of the readme.